Meteorological Masts
Meteorological Masts hero

Meteorological Masts

Inspection and maintenance

Windtex can support you through inspection and maintenance of your met mast and increase its lifespan to match the lifetime of the rest of your wind farm.

We offer complete wind measurement solutions including met masts, meteorological equipment & support booms in accordance with your specifications. We take responsibility for the inspections of your mast and each inspection is guaranteed providing you with peace of mind.

Whether it be a basic annual inspection or a 5 yearly thorough inspection including bolt torqueing, Windtex can cover your needs.

Inspections covered

    • Bolt torque check of mast bolts, including foundation fixings.
    • Inspection of painted surfaces.
    • Inspection of fall arrest systems including bolt torque checks.
    • Inspection of access ladder and/or climbing pegs including bolt torque checks
    • Visual Inspection of structural members
    • Visual inspection of welded connections
    • Visual inspection of instrumentation including bolt torque check
    • Visual inspection of instrumentation booms and brackets including bolt torque check
    • Visual inspection of lightning protection cables, finial and finial frame
    • Visual inspection of supplementary bonding
    • Ground earth resistance checks of surrounding ground
    • Assessment of access and egress around base of mast
    • Assessment of anti-climb and security system
  • Decommissioning Solution

    Windtex can also carry out mast de-commissioning if required. Lift planning, craneage and mast disposal all taken care off, with safety the paramount as always.

    Decommissioning of a met mast comprises the following activities:

    1. Electrical disconnection of the power supply and solar panels
    2. Safe removal of the lattice tower
    3. Approved disposal of the monopile and electrical components
    4. Foundation removal and ground reinstatement